Connect a wire? Focus a lens? You’re putting nature in a jar.

An Easy Approach to Electricity

Electricity in Terms of Exist and Not Exist

Steve Hartken
4 min readMay 19, 2021


What does it mean for something to exist? Something must be able to stay the same despite the surroundings. Surroundings interact, such as heat transfer. Surroundings, to some slight degree, observe no exterior change. This degree is very small. If it was the size of subatomic particles, subatomic particles would be on a cosmic scale. This ability to stay the same distinguishes something that exists from the surroundings. Anything that lacks this ability doesn’t exist! There’s no way to tell if it’s only just part of the surroundings.

It’s possible for something to exist depending on others things. Not everything is the smallest size possible, the size of Planck particles. It’s likely nothing is that small. A lot, almost everything, needs to contain it. And it will be very unstable. Gone in much faster than a second.

Interactions occur one to one. That’s electricity. Searching for interaction, something looks all around, not just next in series. That’s magnetism. And magnetism occurs with two poles. One side of the interaction sends. The other side receives.

Nature sees exist or not exist. We see a speed limit, the speed of light! Everything is interacting, going the speed of light at its margins of existence. Go any faster, it doesn’t exist. From the outside, when something takes itself out of existence, the surroundings rush in faster than an observation can take place. Observation looses detail.

During an interaction, exteriors remains stable to a very small degree. Interiors serve as a medium of interaction. What is that medium made of? The surroundings! Specifically, how the surroundings observe the exterior. A very long series of interactions, chained together one by one, of the surroundings have a certainty, or lack of it.

The basis of a model is output from input. Output may be the sum of components:

All the little arrows add up to the big arrow

Or output may be a really good value, from a really good model. So good, the model predicts the very next output in sequence, what the next output must have to be. The relation between output, and the next value output has to be, can be used to calculate integral components, as infinitesimal as one requires.

A really good model predicts the next step in sequence, the dashed red arrow. Those two together can determine all the little red arrows, as many as needed for accuracy. This is nice because you only need a good model, and one output reading. This is a good illustration of how time relates to space.

Sums are tough to work with. Predictions are easier to work with. Predictions may compound and cancel out. Vectors classify input. Vector models allow input to compound and cancel out. A good model, like the Maxwell equations, distinguishes all the different inputs, and then asks for an operation on each individual input to predict its next step in sequence. That model is the exact same as the sum of all infinitesimal points. Sequence relates with region. Time relates with space

Suppose an interaction occurs on one corner of that grey surface above. A delay occurs for the interaction to reach the other side. Another delay occurs, compounding the first one, to search the surroundings for something to interact with.

Nature has no mind. Internal state exists as a medium of interaction as good as any other. So, these properties exist in empty space too, such as between the Sun and the Earth, as much as they do for a sheet of conductive copper. An electron wants to send. A magnetic field emits across the emptiness of space. The inverse of this delay, seconds per distance traveled, is speed. And the speed is squared, because of the electrical delay through the object, and the magnetic delay through the surroundings.

Statistical mechanics removes the need for material properties, and even the units, from the model. A lens focuses a beam of light. A wire connects. Those are a lot like putting nature in a jar. On the inside, little collisions occur. These collisions may occur with each other, not at all, or on the insides of the jar. The collisions on the inside wall of the jar create the pressure and temperature observed by the surroundings. That relates to a probability in terms of percentage. At high pressure, and at high temperature, the odds are high of finding a high velocity collision inside that jar. No material, or mass, or charge required in this model. The model may be in terms of percentage, relating to the amount of chances or constraints in regards to surrounding observation.

Electricity is often discussed in terms of atoms, electrons, charges, and particles. Nature does not see any of those! Nature acts per the surroundings. Terms of exists and not exist clarify the work of the past, and more importantly give insight on future applications. Gravity applications, the ability to pop something into existence from the surroundings, and broadcast out it’s potential for interaction at the speed of light is an incredible act. With advances in fusion, solar instrumentation, data from imaging the surface of black holes, gravity applications are on the horizon. To know them, one must first know electricity with the confidence and clarity of nature.

